Monday, November 5, 2012

One Month Later...

 I can't believe one month has gone by already and honestly I don't really remember a lot of it. The days all seem to blend into each other. There have been a lot of pajama days at the Benson home and even more diaper changes =) 

 I seriously have loved having my three girls! Anne is such a wonderful baby and hardly ever cries and is starting to get on a pretty consistent schedule when comes to eating, which is much appreciated by me. Olivia and Jane have been really great with Anne and have become even better friends since she's come along. They run around our apartment all day playing what ever imaginary game they've come up with lately (usually it has something to do with horses, swords, and bad guys) or watching a show. Olivia's latest favorite movie is The Avengers (FANTASTIC!) which she calls "The Good Guys" and she goes around pretending to help the "green good guy" (aka The Hulk) get all of the bad guys and Jane tags along with her sword getting the strays =). It really is so fun to watch them and listen to them.

 In other news Anne had her 1 Month check up and she now weighs a healthy 10 lbs. 9 oz. She's getting more beautiful every day and is starting to smile. There are days that it still seems pretty surreal that I have three kids but I'm loving it and the pros definitely outweigh the cons. 

Jane's new favorite place

Proud big sister

Getting so big already

Thinking about smiling

 I'm finally feeling comfortable enough to take all three of the girls out by myself and we have gone for walks and to several play dates thanks to some wonderful friends in our branch. It feels good to get out of the apartment and into the fresh air. 

Here are just some pics of the past few weeks. 

FHE Activity

Life is great and we love being a family of 5!

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